Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Have you heard of Goodreads?  It is "a free website for book lovers".

I have 4 bookshelves:  currently reading, read, ditching (for those books I start and can't bring myself to finish), and books to-read.  You can see what I'm reading right now (usually 3 or 4 books), what I've read with ratings and reviews, and what I want to read.

I set myself a goal to read 52 books this year.  Goodreads keeps track of my progress for me, letting me know if I am ahead, behind, or right on track.

You can check out other people's bookshelves and reviews.  Once you get to a certain number of books read (20 I believe), it will also suggest books that you might like.  Love this feature.

If you are already signed up, please 'friend me'. My name is 'tcohoe'.  If you need to register, here is the link to sign up:  Goodreads

Terry's bookshelf: read

The Calling
The Gathering
The Hunter and The Hunted
Spell Bound
The Poisonwood Bible
The Secret Life of Bees
The Lovely Bones
Mistress of the Art of Death
Men of the Otherworld
Catching Fire
The Hunger Games
The Mermaid Chair
Darkest Powers Bonus Pack
The Paris Wife
Tuesdays with Morrie
Eternal Presents: Accepting and Using the Precious, Intangible Gifts Others Give Us
The Obamas
Ali in Wonderland: And Other Tall Tales

Terry Cohoe's favorite books »